Jingzhou Bai

Jingzhou Bai

                                1946 - 2011

After earning his first Masters of Fine Art at the Central Academy of Fine Art, Beijing, China in 1978 and a second MFA at Southern Illinois University, 1985, Bai became a US citizen in 1988.

In 1990 his portrait of Opera Tenor, James McCraken was unveiled at Metropolitan Opera’s Founders Hall, New York.

In 1992 he completed a commissioned portrait for Barbara Streisand.

During 19 years of teaching, exhibits, and commissions in the US, Bai won numerous awards nation wide. Da Shi, (Great Master), Bai has recently returned to Beijing, China to teach at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

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Stolen Moments

Stolen Moments
Golden Fish

Golden Fish

Quiet Night

Quiet Night





2006 "Peace and Harmony", Group show at National Museum, Beijing, China

2005 Group Retrospective Show, Achievement Exhibition by 1978 Post Graduate Class of Central Academy of Fine Arts at National Gallery, Beijing, China

2003 Teaching at Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China

2002 Visiting professor at Qingdao University, Shandong Provence

2000 Group show at Grand Central Gallery of Fine Art, St. Petersburg, Florida

1999 "The Way of Dharma", won award at competition at New Renaissance Gallery

1998 Moved to San Francisco, CA.

1997 One man show at Zhongxua Gallery in Taipel, Taiwan

1997 Published book "Bai Jingzhou's Recent Works" in Taiwan

1996 "Dream of Flying" featured in "People's Daily", "Readers" and other newspapers and magazines in China